News from Lorne Fire Brigade

Adopt a Fire Plug

Fire plugs supply mains water for firefighting. Fire Plugs are marked by a white post with a blue reflector on it, and may also be marked by a blue reflector in the centre of sealed roads.

If there is a fire plug in front of your home, your plug may be the only one on your street for 200m. If a fire starts in your house or a neighbour’s house the fire brigade may need to access your fire plug immediately to extinguish the fire.

Many fire plugs are hard to find, especially at night when the majority of house fires start.

To assist the brigade:

  • Clean-up one metre around your fire plug
  • Ensure the marker post is not obscured by plants and the top plate is not covered by lawn
  • Keep the fire plug clear of obstacles and do not park a car over top of your fire plug
  • Please notify the Surf Coast Shire if your marker post, blue reflectors or top plate appears damaged by calling 5261 0600.

While responding to a fire the fire fighters typically look for the nearest fire plug ‘marker’, remove the ‘top plate’, lower a hydrant into the hole and plug the hydrant into the mains water supply to enable water to be used for firefighting. The easier the fire plugs are to see and access, the more effective fire fighters can be.

If you have a fire plug near your home, your help in keeping it clear will greatly assist Lorne fire fighters. Your assistance is appreciated.

Lorne CFA is in need of Volunteers

The Lorne CFA Brigade needs volunteers to assist with firefighting and more: We are in need of people who are:

  • Available to attend fires – Bush Fires and Structural in our local area.
  • Available to be actively involved in Brigade activities such as:
    • Conducting Fuel Reduction Burns.
    • Attending road accident rescues.
    • Attending incidents involving hazardous materials.
    • Attending other emergencies when called upon by other emergency service agencies – Response to emergencies in Lorne is an average of between 50 to 100 emergency calls per year
    • Attend most meeting & training nights – Generally one night per week (Tuesdays)
    • Moderately fit, active and enthusiastic
    • Non-fire fighters/Support Roles

We are also seeking people to assist with non-operational support roles these can include – Community Education Programs – Fundraising Activities – Brigade Training – Assisting with the Local Command Facility during an emergency (good organisational and computer skills) – Brigade Equipment Maintenance – Brigade Administration.

Benefits of being a volunteer

  • Develop leadership and people management capabilities
  • Learn new skills that help you in your professional and personal life
  • Receive accredited training including driving skills, pump operations, alarms and sprinklers, breathing apparatus, first aid, advanced bushfire operational skills, fire safety awareness, communications plus much more
  • Meet new friends
  • Be part of Victoria’s largest volunteer team
  • Achieve personal goals
  • Put something back into your local community
  • Involve the whole family.

To express your interest just call 1800 232 636 or submit an Online Volunteer Enquiry at
Come past the Station on a Tuesday Night at 7.30pm – 40 Smith Street, Lorne

LORNE CFA Brigade is urgently in need of your support. Our local fire service cannot survive without you.

Please help us keep CFA fire brigades strong into the future.