The Riddle of the Sands

One topic, one question has now replaced all others as, day by day, I beach-pass other familiar dog-walkers, each of us inside our scientifically-required, two-metre protection bubbles: “… will it come back?” Those unfamiliar with Lorne may think I refer to the pestilence – but no!  We are in Lorne, and when beach walking in Lorne, […]

Which whales will come this year?

Last week’s ‘words from the chairman’ of the Committee for Lorne were about whales. In a not very surprising coincidence, an opportunity to learn more about them, including ways we can contribute to their welfare, comes up on 8 June in a Webinar organised by the Friends of Lorne. Mandy Watson, a scientist from DELWP […]

To squeeze, to eat, or to leave well alone?

Ever since my long-distant childhood, I have been intrigued by a simple, slightly odd, and very tough-looking creature that makes its home in the inter-tidal space – that strip of shoreline that lies between the high- and low-water mark. This gnarly little beast is a humble, yet quite remarkable animal known as cunjevoi [cun-ja-voy] – […]

Artspace – Lorne Community Connect

The Lorne Community Connect facility has, over the past months, been used to assist Great Ocean Road Health with Covid testing, as a standby facility for vaccination, exercise classes during the gymnasium renovation, as well as our usual bookings and the Lorne P-12 College during the Stribling Reserve rebuild.  These uses affirm the value of […]

Stribling Reserve Pavilions Project – We Need Your Support

In April 2019, the announcement was made that the Federal Government through the Building Better Regions fund, was providing $3.3M towards the redevelopment of facilities at Stribling Reserve. This amount was, in turn, matched by a further $3.3M from Surf Coast Shire. This money would be spent on providing the following: A new, state of […]

Winter is coming…

‘Winter is coming’ … and as a self-confessed Game of Thrones ‘tragic’, I love winter. NB: for those [regrettably] not GoT devotees, ‘Winter is Coming’ is the underlying theme of that iconic HBO series. Indeed, I love the smell of wood smoke drifting gently through the town. I love the snuggle and intimacy that winter […]

Out the Back

When driving into Geelong from Lorne and if time permits a reflective dawdle, I take pleasure from pulling into the small car parks that dot the road at Cathedral, Spouts, Moggs, Fairhaven, and Guvvo’s, to daydream and recall the simple pleasure of being ‘out the back’. While it is many a long year since I […]

The Horizon

The horizon… it hunts the human eye, inspires the imagination, and energises exploration – each feeding our obsession to know ‘what lies beyond‘? Each morning – come rain, come shine – my first outward gaze is drawn to the horizon. What will today bring?  … a golden sunrise? … a rumpled sea? … smooth sets […]