Lorraine Griffiths – 2021 Nominee for Community Cup Award

I am extremely pleased to announce that the Lorne Lions Club has endorsed the nomination of Lorraine Griffiths to be the next recipient of the Doug and Mary Stirling Community Cup. The Cup is awarded biennially to honour outstanding service to and leadership in the Lorne Community. The Award was an initiative of the then president of the Lorne Lions Club, Stephen Hishon and was first awarded to Doug and Mary Stirling in 2003. Previous recipients have included Henry Love, Peter and Jan Spring and Carly Enticott.

In her formative years Lorraine sensed that she would like to be a kindergarten teacher, an early indication of her love of and care for young children. However, after leaving school and travelling to New Guinea she became a dental nurse. In Falls Creek she met Sam and they were married in 1983 and in Lorne, they raised a family of three children Matt, Hailey and Toby. All children attended the Lorne P-12 College and before Toby started school and was still at home Lorraine began family daycare. This must have sewn the seed, as she felt that she would like to foster children. Toby was now 12 and after much thought and discussion with Sam they decided to find out more and they soon became qualified foster carers, and so began this amazing nineteen year journey.

Lorraine described to me how Sam would come home from working full time for Parks Victoria to find that they had another child or children in the house and for how long, they never knew. She said that “the kids are with you for anything from a day to months and even years and they can arrive at any time of day or night, Aaron joined the family late at night on Christmas Eve.” For all in the Lorne community it is a common sight to see Lorraine wheeling a baby in a pram down the main street. Currently she is looking after a 20 month year old boy, who is unwell and has several disabilities. Looking after him must be hard work, but Lorraine says that it is a pleasure caring for him. This boy is Lorraine and Sam’s 140th foster child.

These children come from all backgrounds. Sometimes the parents may just need a break, someone in the family can be ill and they simply need a little extra support. At other times they are the victims of domestic violence, drug abuse and neglect. In Lorraine’s words “You just don’t know what these kids have seen or heard. They are often scared. They don’t feel safe. So you do what you can to make them feel safe and that they aren’t a burden on you.  At times it hasn’t been easy, but with the support of family, friends, the Mary MacKillop Family Services and the people of Lorne; we have made it through. It’s very rewarding to see these kids develop and thrive and to know that you can put faith back into these kids and that the world isn’t all bad.”

Lorraine said that she could not have continued fostering without Sam’s support. Two of the children have stayed with them. Both Aaron and Skye are currently pupils at the Lorne P-12 College and in permanent-care, with Lorraine and Sam as their legal guardians. This is one roll of the dice that fell in their favour – being with such a loving and supportive family.

The Doug and Mary Stirling Cup will be presented to Lorraine at a community dinner on Friday 28th October, commencing at 7.00 pm at the Lorne Community Connect. Booking details will be published closer to the event.

Lorraine’s story is one that must be told and celebrated, she and Sam have given so much and all they have ever asked in return is to see vulnerable children loved and cared for and to be given a chance.

Cr. Gary Allen